Esitystapa käsitteiden/termien suhteille:
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Näytä käsitteiden/termien suhteet:
Kontrolloidut kliiniset tutkimukset
Hierarkia: | |
Laajemmat termit: | ∟ ∟ ∟ Kontrolloidut kliiniset tutkimukset |
Annotaatio: | publication type only; controlled clinical trials as a subject are indexed under the main heading CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIALS; Manual 26.26; RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL [Publication Type] is also available; CATALOG: Do not use
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historyNote*: | 1995
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Huomautus: | Work consisting of a clinical trial involving one or more test treatments, at least one control treatment, specified outcome measures for evaluating the studied intervention, and a bias-free method for assigning patients to the test treatment. The treatment may be drugs, devices, or procedures studied for diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic effectiveness. Control measures include placebos, active medicine, no-treatment, dosage forms and regimens, historical comparisons, etc. When randomization using mathematical techniques, such as the use of a random numbers table, is employed to assign patients to test or control treatments, the trial is characterized as a RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL [PUBLICATION TYPE].
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activeMeSHYear*: | |
dateCreated*: | 1995-06-23X |
dateEstablished*: | 1996-01-01X |
dateRevised*: | 2005-06-30X |
recordAuthorizer*: | sjnX |
recordMaintainer*: | jlsX |
recordOriginator*: | PLSX |
Tyyppi: | |
Vierustermit: | |
URI: | |
Nimikkeet ja vastaavat käsitteet: | Kontrolloitu kliininen tutkimus (fi, korvattu) XKontrolloitu kliininen koe (fi, korvattu) Kontrolloidut kliiniset kokeet (fi, korvattu) Kontrollerade kliniska prövningar [publikationstyp] (sv) Controlled Clinical Trial [Publication Type] (en) Controlled Clinical Trial (PT) (en, korvattu) Controlled Clinical Trial (en, korvattu) |
Jaa: |
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