Esitystapa käsitteiden/termien suhteille:
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Näytä käsitteiden/termien suhteet:
Hierarkia: | |
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Annotaatio: | a group of islands east of the Philippines; includes Christmas Island; of the X ref MARIANA ISLANDS; GUAM is available; PALAU is also available
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historyNote*: | 68
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Huomautus: | The collective name for islands of the Pacific Ocean east of the Philippines, including the Mariana, PALAU, Caroline, Marshall, and Kiribati Islands. Micronesia is from the Greek micro, small + nesos, island, so named because the islands in this group are much smaller than those in MELANESIA. Micronesia is inhabited by a mixed race of Melanesians, Polynesians, and some Malaysians. (From Webster's New Geographical Dictionary, 1988, p761 & Room, Brewer's Dictionary of Names, 1992, p350)
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activeMeSHYear*: | |
dateCreated*: | 1999-01-01X |
dateRevised*: | 2005-07-19X |
recordAuthorizer*: | agsX |
recordMaintainer*: | agsX |
recordOriginator*: | NLMX |
Tyyppi: | |
Vierustermit: | |
URI: | |
Nimikkeet ja vastaavat käsitteet: | Mikronesien (sv) XMicronesia (en) Kiribati (en, korvattu) Ellice Islands (en, korvattu) Christmas Island (en, korvattu) Canton and Enderbury Islands (en, korvattu) |
Jaa: |
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