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The way concept relations are shown:
information and communication crimes
Hierarchy: | ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ information and communication crimes 41 coordinate concepts1 subordinate concept∟ ∟ ∟ adultery | ∟ ∟ arson | ∟ ∟ assault | ∟ ∟ ∟ break-in | ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ perjury | ∟ piracy | ∟ poaching | ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ |
Superordinate concepts: | |
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Labels and equivalent concepts: | tieto- ja viestintärikokset (fi) Xviestintärikokset (fi, replaced) teleurkinta (fi, replaced) salassapitorikokset (fi, replaced) salassapitorikkomukset (fi, replaced) henkilörekisteririkokset (fi, replaced) informations- och kommunkationsbrott (sv) Y125722* (equivalent concept) informations- och kommunikationsbrott (equivalent concept) |
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