suomeksi - in English

ONKI-valitsin: Yleinen suomalainen ontologia - YSO/ALLSO

ONKI Selector for Yleinen suomalainen ontologia - YSO/ALLSO

Integroi käyttöliittymäkomponentti järjestelmääsi lisäämällä seuraava koodirivi HTML-sivun HEAD-osioon:

Integrate the user interface component into your system by adding the following code line into the HEAD section of the HTML page:

<script type="text/Javascript" src=""></script>

ja seuraava koodirivi HTML-sivun BODY-osion kohtaan, johon haluat sijoittaa komponentin:

and the following code line into the BODY section of the HTML page, into the location where the component is desired:

<input onkeyup="onki['yso'].search({'showCaptions' : true})" id="ysoSearch"/>

Lisäämällä yllä olevat koodirivit alla oleva komponentti integroituu järjestelmääsi:

By adding the codelines above, a widget as seen below is integrated into your system:

Voit kokeilla ONKI-valitsimen integroimista testisivulla.

Luotavan ONKI-valitsimen toimintoja voidaan muokata alla olevalla lomakkeella.

The functionalities of the generated ONKI Selector can be modified by using the form below.

ontology The ontology to be searched
key Your access key to services: generate access key
fieldId The id of the input field used for inputing the search term
UILang The language of the user interface of the ONKI Selector
addConceptFunction A javacript function defined by you to add concepts from search results to your application
autocompletionSearchtruefalse Show the autocompletion search field
delimiter Delimiter for concept URI and label (default " ")
fetchLabelstruefalse Fetch concept labels (terms)
fetchUristruefalse Fetch concept URIs
fieldLabel Label to be shown on the left side of the ONKI Selector
fieldName The name of the hidden input fields used for storing the selected concepts
groupRestriction Search is limited to the concepts belonging to this group (URI)
lang Search is limited to the labels of this language
languageMenutruefalse Show the available languages of the selected ontology in a selection menu
maxHits Maximum amount of search results ("-1" = unlimited)
maxSelect The maximum amount of concepts that can be selected from search results ("-1" = unlimited)
onkimenutruefalse Show all the ontologies in a selection menu
openonkibuttontruefalse Is the opening of the ONKI Browser allowed ("Open ONKI Browser" button)
openonkilabel The label of the "Open ONKI Browser" button
parentRestriction Search is limited to the sub tree of this concept (URI)
prefixtruefalse Is the namespace prefix of the concepts shown as part of the labels of concepts selected from search results
showCaptionstruefalse Show captions for selector's components
showOnkiNametruefalse If the ontology menu is disabled, show the name of the selected ontology instead
typeRestriction Search is limited to the concepts of this type (URI)