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KOKO Ontology (new testing version)

KOKO is a collection of Finnish core ontologies, which have been merged together. The ontologies include the Finnish General Upper Ontology YSO and ontologies that extends and refine YSO such as the Ontology for Museum Domain, the Ontology of Applied Arts, and the Finnish Ontology of Photography.

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The way property values are displayed:

The way concept relations are shown:

Results (232 hits):

- synon telex → telex
- synon transparence → transparence
- synon weaving → weaving
- synon windsurfing → windsurfing
- synon working culture → working culture
-aivovienti (= aivovuoto) → brain drain
-aliurakointi → subcontracting
-amnesia (= muistinmenetys) → amnesia
-empowerment (= valtaistuminen = empowerment) → empowerment
-huoltomiehet (=talonmiehet) → service men
-klimatologia (= ilmastotiede) → climatology
-klubit (= kerhot) → clubs (commercial)
-lähetteet → referrals
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