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Ontology of the Mammals of the World - MAMO

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American Opossums
"Four-eyed" Opossums, Aceramarca Gracile Mouse Opossum, Agile Gracile Mouse Opossum, Alston´s Woolly Mouse Opossum, American Opossums...
Bandicoots and Bilbies
Australian Bandicoots and Bilbies, Bilbies, Bilby, Ceram Bandicoot, Ceram Bandicoots...
(Least) Weasel, Aardwolf, Abyssinian Genet, African Civet, African Clawless Otter...
Carnivorous Marsupials
Antechinuses, Ash-grey Dunnart, White-tailed Dunnart, Atherton Antechinus, Banded anteater, Numbat, Banded Anteaters...
Colocolos, Monitos Del Monte
Colocolo, Monito Del Monte, Colocolos, Monitos Del Monte, Colocolos, Monitos Del Monte
American Anteaters, Andean Hairy Armadillo, Armadillos, Brazilian Three-banded Armadillo, Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth...
African Elephant, Asiatic Elephant
Elephant Shrews
Black and Rufous Elephant Shrew, Bushveld Elephant Shrew, Cape Elephant Shrew, Checkered Elephant Shrew, Checkered Elephant Shrews...
Even-toed Ungulates
Abbot´s Duiker, Addax, Ader´s Duiker, African buffalo, African Bushpigs...
Flying Lemurs
Malayan Flying Lemur, Philippine Flying Lemur
Bush Hyraxes, Eastern Tree Hyrax, Hoggar Hyrax, Rock Hyrax, Southern Tree Hyrax...
(American) Least Shrew, (American) Water Shrew, (Hoy's) Pygmy Shrew, Aberdare Shrew, African Foggy Shrew...
Koalas, Wombats, Possums, Macropods and relatives
Agile Wallaby, Allied Rock Wallaby, Antilopine Wallaroo, Arfak Ringtail, Banded Hare-wallabies...
Manatees, Dugongs and Sea Cows
Afrikan Manatee, Amazonian Manatee, Dugong, Dugons, Manatees...
Marsupial Moles
Marsupial mole, Marsupial Moles, Marsupial Moles, Northwestern Marsupial Mole
Duck-billed Platypus, Echidnas, Long-beaked Echidna, Long-beaked Echidnas, Platypus...
Odd-Toed Ungulates
Ass, Baird´s Tapir, Black Rhinoceros, Burchell's Zebra, Grevy´s Zebra...
Pangolins, Scaly Ant-eaters
Chinese Pangolin, Giant Pangolin, Ground Pangolin, Indian Pangolin, Long-tailed Pangolin...
Agile Gibbon, Agile Mangabey, Allen's Squirrel Galago, Allen's Swamp Monkey, Andean Night Monkey...
Shrew Opossums
Blackish Shrew Opossum, Chilean Shrew Opossum, Chilean Shrew Opossums, Gray-bellied Shrew Opossum, Incan Shrew Opossum...
Tree Shrews
Bornean Smooth-tailed Tree Shrew, Common Tree Shrew, Golden-bellied Tree Shrew, Javan Tree Shrew, Large Tree Shrew...
Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises
Andrew's Beaked Whale, Arnoux's Beaked Whale, Atlantic Spotted Dolphin, Baird's Beaked Whale, Baleen Whales...
"Four-eyed" Opossums
(American) Least Shrew, (American) Water Shrew, (Cape) Short-eared Gerbil, (Greater) Long-tailed Pouched Rat, Greater Pouched Rat, (Hoy's) Pygmy Shrew...
Aardvark, Aardwolf, Aba Roundleaf Bat, Abbot´s Duiker, Aberdare Shrew...
Babault's Mouse Shrew, Babirusa, Back-striped Weasel, Bactrian Camel, Badger...
Cabrera’s hutia, Cabrera’s vole, Cacomistle, Cactus Mouse, Cadorna's Pipistrelle...
d´Alberti´s Ringtail Possum, D'Anchieta's Fruit Bat, D'Anchieta's Pipistrelle, Daghestan pine vole, Dahl's Jird...
Ear-spot Squirrel, Eared hutia, Earless Seals, Earless Water Rat, Earth-colored Mouse...
Fairy Armadillos, Falanouc, Falkland Island Wolf, Fallow Deer, Fallow Deers...
Gairdner's Shrewmouse, Galagos, Galagos, Galápagos Fur Seal, Galapagos Mice...
Hagen's Flying Squirrel, Haggard's Leaf-eared Mouse, Haig’s tuco-tuco, Hainald's Rat, Hainan Gymnure...
Iberian Lynx, Iberian mole, Idaho Ground Squirrel, Idaho pocket gopher, Ihering´s Short-tailed Opossum...
Ja Slit-faced Bat, Jackson´s Mongoose, Jackson's (African) Fat Mouse, Jackson's Shrew, Jackson's Soft-furred Mouse...
K, Kai Myotis, Kaiser's Rock Rat, Kalinowski's Mastiff Bat, Kalinowski's Oldfield Mouse...
L'Hoest's Monkey, Lacustrine vole, Ladak Pika, Lader's Horseshoe Bat, Ladew's Oldfield Mouse...
Ma's Night Monkey, Macaques, MacArthur's Shrew, MacConnell's Bat, MacConnell's climbing mouse...
Nabarlek, Little rock wallaby, Pygmy Rock Wallaby, Nail-tailed Wallabies, Nairobi Grass Rat, Naivasha mole rat, Naked mole rat...
O'Connell’s spiny rat, Oaxaca Giant Deer Mouse, Oaxacan pocket gopher, Obi Island Cuscus, Obi Mosaic-tailed Rat...
Paca, Pacarana, Pacas, Pacific Flying Fox, Pacific jumping mouse...
Quagga, Quechuan Hochicudo, Queen of Sheba's Gazelle, Queensland Tube-nosed Fruit Bat, Querétaro pocket gopher...
Rabbit Rats, Rabbits, Hares and Pikas, Raccoon, Raccoon Dog, Raccoons...
Sable, Sable Antelope, Saddlebacked Tamarin, Sado Shrew, Sage’s rock rat...
Tacarcuna Bat, Taczanovski's Oldfield Mouse, Tahrs, Taiga shrew, Taiga vole, Yellow-cheecked vole...
Uakaris, Ucayli Spiny Mouse, Uganda Large-toothed Shrew, Ugandan Shrew, Uinta Chipmunk...
Vagrant Shrew, Val’s gundi, Vampire Bats, Van Deusen's Rat, Van Gelder's Bat...
Wagner's Bonneted Bat, Wagner's Gerbil, Wagner's Dipodil, Wahlberg's Epauletted Fruit Bat, Walia Ibex, Wall-roosting Myotis...
Yak, Yangtse River Dolphin, Yankari Shrew, Yarkand Hare, Yellow steppe lemming...
Zacatecan Deer Mouse, Zacatecas Harvest Mouse, Zacatecas Shrew, Zaisan mole vole, Zanj Sun Squirrel...